Update time! We are currently six months pregnant, commuting for work full time, renovating a room in our home, and jumping back into writing the blog all in the same season of preparation and change. It has crept into my mind every now and again, the thought that I shouldn’t really be starting back on a regular posting rotation with all of the upheaval waiting in the wings. However, using my creativity as a grounding mechanism during all of this uncertainty and change is the best way, in my mind, to ensure it survives the coming season and becomes a stable part of our lives.
I am loving being back on the blog. We have revamped the website, albeit slightly, which was fun to mess around with as well as taking the structure out of the blog post strategy in favour of a looser approach to grounding in our creativity in real life. Having been away from the blog and the instagram page for so long, I’ve come back with a strong sense of where I want to go with this, and I’m now ready to share that vision with all of you.
In the introductory post back HERE, I explained the pillars of creativity I wanted to explore in relation to developing a more cohesive and natural creative practice for daily life and the strategies I would use in my own life to implement them through coaching in gentle strength. The reason for this clear framework is to keep me on track with the message of creativity I want to send out into the community at large: creativity is existing, it is hobby, it is joy, it is passion; it does not have to become a source of income, a business model, an art, or a purist pursuit. There are so many incredible creative coaches and business coaches out there helping to free creatives and artists from feelings of guilt or shame for wanting to live a creative life and pursue their art as their full time income. And there is nothing wrong with that! It is so important for us as humans to have a diversity of business and art and agency out in the world to mix those things together and achieve success. However, many of the podcasts, blogs, and pages I follow, although they all offer encouragement to every level of creativity, they all come from people who are creative business owners, and always end up slanting towards the creative and artist who wants to be a business, who wants to make money and achieve that type of success.
I want to create a space that speaks to all of the other types, styles, and desires of creative individuals who love what they love and want to create a life in which they can engage with their creativity more regularly but in the capacity of everyday living, for practicality, for pleasure, and for fun without there being a pressure, albeit a supportive pressure, to monetize or optimize. My goal is to speak to the moms and accountants and general trades people who may not believe that what they do, the way they solve problems, are creative, that creativity is not in their reach because they don’t draw or paint or write. Protecting your creativity as a hobby or simply a part of your daily living practice is okay! It is sacred and it is intended to bring you peace and joy, not cause anxiety, guilt, or shame. Along those same lines I want to create a protective space for the exploratory creative who may want to try something new or get back into something they gave up long ago because they were “bad” at it. Creativity is freedom, and freedom is not perfection, perfection is a cage - and at that, a cage we form around ourselves that doesn’t actually exist! I want to invite all creatives at every level to cringe and create alongside me, and if you are new here and don’t know our short but proud history of our May Cringe and Create Campaign, click these LINKS to find out more and see some of what we do:
What brought me back to the blog and the page as a whole was my desire to keep talking about creativity. And I know that if something is important to one person, it is important to others as well. It has launched me back into my creative hobbies with gusto and a verve to lean in and learn at a peaceful pace.